Union Bank Announces Stephanie Griffin

Grand Rapids, Michigan – November 29, 2022

stephanie griffin vice president treasury management officer unionbankCortney Collison, President and Chief Executive Officer of Union Bank has announced the addition of Stephanie Griffin, Vice President, Treasury Management Officer. In her new role, Stephanie, a Certified Public Fund Investment Manager, will focus on strategic initiatives to successfully drive new business with product roadmap development, market research and data analysis to help support local businesses and build the Banks’ brand throughout the various markets it serves.

Griffin joins the Bank with over 22 years of diverse banking experience ranging from branch management, municipal/government banking management to treasury management. She combines resourceful decision making, strong problem-solving and organizational detail with extensive communication and leadership skills; presentation, training and coaching experience; and meaningful internal/external interactions to elevate strategic initiatives. As a longtime resident of West Michigan, she has a true understanding for the needs of Michigan businesses and the communities they serve.

Griffin is a proud, involved member of the East Grand Rapids community where she resides with her family. Today, she is a Board Member and Sponsorship Chair for Michigan Women in Finance; Board Member and Associate Member Chair for Michigan Municipal Treasurers Association; Active member of the Michigan County Treasurers Association, Michigan Government Finance Officials Association, Michigan School Business Officials and Grand Rapids Econ Club; and community volunteer for Junior Achievement and Grand Rapids Boys and Girls Club.

“On behalf of the Board of Directors and Senior Management, I would like to welcome Stephanie to the Union Bank team,” said Collison. “Stephanie’s strong treasury management, municipal/government banking and leadership background along with her passion for community and building strong relationships with clients and prospects will be a true asset as we continue to strive for long-term success of both our customers and our Bank.”

Union Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Union Financial Corporation and operates full-service banking offices in Ada, Dimondale, Grand Rapids, Hastings, Lake Odessa, Mulliken and Westphalia. Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender. (NMLS# 488568) ubmich.com

Pictured Above: Stephanie Griffin

Photo Credit: Rachael Holt Photography

Media Contact: Rose Willson | Assistant Vice President, Marketing Officer | rwillson@ubmich.com | (616) 374-3278

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