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Cannabis CDs & Rates

Balance APY Minimum Opening Balance
Balance of $0 to $2,499.99 0.10% $500.00
Balance $250,000 to $499,999.99 0.15% $500.00
Balance $500,000 to $999,999.99 0.20% $500.00
Balance $1,000,000 and over 0.25% $500.00
Balance APY Minimum Opening Balance
Balance of $0 to $249,999.99 0.50% $50000.00
Balance $250,000 to $499,999.99 1.00% $50000.00
Balance $500,000 to $999,999.99 1.26% $50000.00
Balance $1,000,000 and over 1.51% $50000.00

  • Maximize your earnings in time frames that will meet your cash flow requirements.
  • Minimum opening deposit of $500.00 required. Maturity terms range from 91 days to 5 years.
  • Additional deposits not accepted during the term. The certificate may be increased at the time of maturity or renewal.
  • Interest rates determined by Union Bank. Your certificate will renew for the same term, at the interest rate in effect at the time of maturity, if you do not redeem it.
  • Interest earned may be added back to the certificate, paid by check or deposited in a checking or savings account.
  • There is a 10–day grace period after the maturity date in which withdrawals or deposits can be made. Withdrawals made after the 10th day will be assessed a penalty.
*NOTE: Penalty for early withdrawal on Certificates of Deposit. Minimum $500 deposit to open a new account.
Duration APY Minimum Opening Balance
91 Day 4.32% $500.00
182 Day 4.04% $500.00
9 Month 2.51% $500.00
12 Month 2.78% $500.00
15 Month 2.88% $500.00
18 Month 1.91% $500.00
24 Month 1.51% $500.00
30 Month 1.76% $500.00
36 Month 1.81% $500.00
45 Month 2.01% $500.00
48 Month 2.27% $500.00
60 Month 1.25% $500.00