a tractor in a barn

Agricultural Loans

Agriculture is like no other industry.

Rain cannot be ordered on the phone. Crops and livestock cannot be told to hurry up and grow. Agricultural lending requires understanding the challenges faced by farmers each and every day. For nearly a century, Union Bank has served West and Central Michiganders deeply rooted in the agricultural industry. We understand the daily challenges faced by farmers and growers and specialize in offering a variety of agricultural loan solutions for farmers, growers and purveyors. When it comes to agricultural financing, there is no better source than Union Bank.
  • Operating Loans for Agricultural Production
  • Installment and Term Loans
  • Farm Real Estate Mortgages
  • FSA Guaranteed Loans
  • Farmer Mac II Fixed and Variable Rate Loans (require an FSA Guarantee)
If you're interested in an Agricultural Loan to support your farm or agricultural venture, contact us today.